Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why we need an FBI investigation

Professor Christine Blasey Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. The alleged assault occurred when they were both in high school, at a party.

"Washington Post reporter Emma Brown wrote: “She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. (Mark) Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing ‘maniacally.’ She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.”'

Ford has offered to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, but she has asked for an independent FBI investigation to be done first.  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says that this is merely a delaying tactic; he says she can testify on Monday, have her say, Kavanaugh can answer, and the confirmation hearings can move forward. He doesn't seem to think this is a big thing, more of a political nuisance.

Those who already oppose Kavanaugh believe Professor Ford that he assaulted her, while those who support him believe it to be a smear job. 

This is EXACTLY why there should be an FBI investigation before going forward. Without an independent investigation, it is "he says, she says". 

But the questioners in the Senate Judiciary Committee are politicians, and they all have a political drum to beat. It is NOT like testifying before a grand jury, which aims to reveal the truth. Just because we use the same word - testify - doesn't mean we should confuse the two.  Testifying before the Committee is entering a shark tank, and McConnell is doing his best to throw chum in the water. 
"Why is this important?" you might ask. "It happened when he was a teenager. Back then, 'boys will be boys' was the way it was".  Well, it reveals character. But yes, people can change. 

But the MAIN reason it is vitally important is that Kavanaugh categorically denies the event. He doesn't say "I was just a kid, really drunk and out of control. I never did anything like that again. I didn't realize it was such a traumatic event for her, now that I know, I am so sorry".  That might be forgivable. But instead, Kavanaugh denies anything happened. If it DID happen, then he is lying and attempting a cover-up. That is NOT something that happened 30 years ago. Those are his actions NOW. 

There is no Court-related urgent reason to rush the confirmation through. The rush is purely the product of the politics of the upcoming election. As far as the Supreme Court itself is concerned, the consequences for delaying the confirmation are minimal. At least, they have been deemed minimal by the Majority party, which has allowed the seat to be vacant for well over a year. 

But if the event DID occur, and Kavanaugh is rushed through confirmation, then we will have given a lifetime appointment to a corrupt and lying man. 

If the event didn't occur, then steamrolling ahead with the confirmation will still leave the accusation standing, and no matter what is said in the hearing, Cavanaugh's name will forever have a cloud over it.  It would be to Cavanaugh's benefit to have an FBI investigation to clear his name. 

And if the investigation doesn't clear him, then the fact that he lied - his actions now, not when he was a teenager - will be vital to the deliberations of the Committee as they gauge his suitability to be a judge on the highest Court in the land.